7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Writing A Book

Embarking on the journey of writing a book is like setting off on a thrilling adventure. It's a path filled with excitement, discovery, and a fair share of challenges. Whether you're a budding novelist, an aspiring non-fiction writer, or simply someone exploring the realm of storytelling, the process demands more than just passion and a flair for words. It requires introspection, strategy, and a deep understanding of your goals and capabilities.

In this blog, we'll delve into seven essential questions that every writer should ask themselves before putting pen to paper. These questions serve as guideposts, helping you navigate the path to creating a well-written and fulfilling book for you and your readers.

Questions to Ask Yourself Before Writing A Book

1. Why Do I Want to Write This Book?

Understanding your motivation is crucial. Are you writing to share a unique story brewing within you for years? Or you aim to inspire others with your experiences and insights. You may seek to establish yourself as an expert in your field.

“If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it."

Toni Morrison

Knowing your purpose will fuel your writing process and guide your content, style, and approach. A clear sense of 'why' serves as your compass, keeping you motivated during those inevitable moments of writer's block.

2. Who is My Target Audience?

Identifying your audience is pivotal. Are you writing for young adults who crave adventure and imagination? Or are you targeting professionals in a specific field who seek specialized knowledge and guidance? Maybe your book is intended for a more general readership, aiming to captivate and entertain a wide range of individuals.

“Write to please just one person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia."

Kurt Vonnegut

Understanding your audience shapes your writing voice, the complexity of your content, and your approach to themes and topics. It ensures that your book resonates with the readers you intend to reach.

3. What is My Core Message or Story?

Every book has a soul, a central message or story that it seeks to convey. Whether it's a novel with an intricate plot or a non-fiction book aiming to impart knowledge and wisdom, having clarity on your core message is vital. It ensures coherence and focus in your writing, guiding you to craft a narrative that captivates your readers from beginning to end. Think of it as a guiding star, ensuring every chapter and every page contributes meaningfully to the narrative.

“Where do you get your ideas? I make them up. Out of my head. People think it's mysterious, it's not mysterious. You might as well ask, 'Where do you find your apples?' I find them on trees. I make the stories up out of my head."

Neil Gaiman

So, are you ready to embark on this incredible journey of writing a book? Let's dive into these questions and discover the secrets that will shape your literary masterpiece. Remember, it's not just about writing a book; it's about crafting a journey as fulfilling as the destination.

4. How Will My Book Stand Out?

What makes yours unique and captivating in a world with millions of books? It could be your fresh perspective that sheds new light on a common topic, or your innovative storytelling style keeps readers hooked from beginning to end.

What really knocks me out is a book that, when you're all done reading it, you wish the author that wrote it was a terrific friend of yours and you could call him up on the phone whenever you felt like it."

J.D. Salinger

By identifying and showcasing your book's unique selling point (USP), you can ensure that it stands out not only on the shelves but also in the hearts and minds of your readers.

5. What is My Writing and Publishing Plan?

Writing a book is a marathon, not a sprint. To embark on this exhilarating journey, developing a well-thought-out plan that encompasses various aspects is crucial. Set a realistic writing schedule that allows you to maintain a steady momentum while accommodating life's demands.

Show up, show up, show up, and after a while the muse shows up, too."

Isabel Allende

Take the time to understand the intricacies of the publishing process, whether you choose traditional publishing or venture into the self-publishing realm. Additionally, consider devising a thoughtful approach to revisions, knowing they are integral to the writing process. A structured and comprehensive plan will keep you disciplined, focused, and equipped to tackle the overwhelming task of writing a book while ensuring the journey remains manageable and organized.

6. Am I Prepared for Feedback and Revision?

Writing is a continuous process of refining and shaping your thoughts on paper. Are you ready to embrace feedback, revise your work, and grow as a writer? Acknowledging that writing is not a solitary endeavor but a collaborative effort, open yourself up to constructive criticism and be willing to rework and improve your manuscript based on valuable insights.

Good writing is essentially rewriting. I am positive of this."

Roald Dahl

Remember, the journey of creating a book is about solitary contemplation and collaborative improvement. By embracing feedback and revision, you can elevate your writing and create a remarkable piece of literature.

7. How Will I Market and Promote My Book?

Writing your book is just the beginning. Have you thought about how you will bring your book to your audience and make it stand out in a crowded market? It's essential to have a well-thought-out marketing and promotion strategy to ensure your book gets the attention it deserves.

Understanding the basics of book marketing and promotion is crucial. This includes identifying your target audience, crafting a compelling book blurb, designing an eye-catching cover, and utilizing various online and offline marketing channels to reach potential readers. Building a solid author platform is also vital, as it allows you to connect with your audience on a deeper level and establish yourself as an authority in your genre.

“Content is king, but marketing is queen, and the queen runs the household."

Gary Vaynerchuk

Engaging with your potential readers is another key aspect of successful book marketing. This can be done through social media platforms, author events, book signings, and collaborations with influencers or book reviewers. By actively engaging with your audience, you can create a genuine connection and build a community of loyal readers who will eagerly support and promote your book.

In conclusion, writing a book is an incredibly rewarding journey, but it also requires careful thought and preparation for marketing and promotion. By asking yourself these seven critical questions and considering the details of your book marketing strategy, you are laying a strong foundation for your writing journey. Each question leads you closer to a book that not only sits on the shelves but reaches the hands of those who cherish it. So, take a deep breath, ask yourself these questions, and embark on the exciting journey of turning your dream of writing a book into a beautiful reality.